Create Your Training Program
As a recognized NATE Recognized Provider Training Organization, you may earn continuing education course recognition once the course is submitted and approved by NATE.
To have a course approved:
- Login at the myNATE login page.
- Click on the “Training Organization” tab
- Select “Continuing Education” from the Training Organization menu.
- Choose Create a Course.
- Enter a course description of less than 1000 characters – anything over that will be cut off.
- Select all relevant course outlines. These outlines are the specialties that will receive credit for taking your course.
- Align KATEs to all course outlines by checking all boxes that apply to your course. (This process is referred to as the crosswalk)
- Be sure to enter the length of your course in hours.
- Submit course to NATE electronically.
- Await course approval, which takes four to six weeks.
The cost to submit a course for NATE-recognition is $110 per course. NATE recognition lasts for two years.
NOTE: Courses offered electronically require special approval. Check the recognized provider handbook for criteria.
We recommend that all Recognized Provider Training Organizations submit a certificate of completion to all technicians for each course they complete. Technicians attending courses for CEH credit are required to submit certificates of completion for any education class attended that is not a NATE-recognized course. In addition, we recommend technicians maintain copies of certificates of completion for NATE-recognized classes in case there are any questions about courses attended at the time of re-certification application.
You may use our sample NATE certificate of completion form or create your own with the following information:
- Technician’s name
- Title of course
- Course hours and date of the class
- Contact information of the educational organization
- Short description of the class
Make Sure Your Course Counts
To ensure your students receive their proper credit:
- Use the correct NATE Recognized Provider Attendance Record
- Offer recognized and unexpired courses
- Include NATE course name, number, credit hours and date on the Attendance Record
- Verify all forms are legibly completed and signed
- Remind technicians to record their NATE IDs
- Upload or send Attendance Form for receipt within 60 days of the class
If you do not stay on top of all your Recognized Provider Training Organization responsibilities, credit may NOT be posted to a technicians account. NOTE: Instructors can earn 16 hours of continuing education hours by submitting proof of their classroom instructional time. Click here to download the Recognized Provider Training Handbook.