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Getting Started

NATE certification opens doors for you, allowing you to obtain a job or advance in your chosen profession. The US Military agrees. Not only does the US military award promotion points for servicemen earning NATE certification, the Department of Veterans Affairs licensing and certification benefit allows the VA to pay the licensing and certification fees for all eligible veterans.
  • Veterans can receive up to $2000 per NATE exam but not more than the actual cost of the test.
  • Veterans may receive benefits to retake a failed exam.
  • Veterans may take unlimited tests, however, benefits will not be reissued for exams successfully completed.

(Please note: The VA only pays for the test and not other expenses associated with obtaining a license or certification.)

From the day a NATE-certified military service member deploys, their NATE certification is deferred until they return, ensuring that the technician comes back to work with the same qualifications as when he or she left. Upon their return, the technician receives all new NATE certification documents and the expiration date of their certification is extended to reflect their time in service.

Eligible personnel include those who qualify for:

  • Post-9/11 GI Bill Chapter 33 Benefits
  • Vocational Rehab Chapter 31 Benefits
  • Veterans eligible for MGIB-SR for reservists are eligible to use their benefit for certifications. VEAP is no longer an active program. All individuals who were eligible for this benefit will reach their delimination date Aug 1 2018. Your discretion if you want to leave this in Dependents Educational Assistance (also called DEA or Chapter 35).
  • Eligibility is dependent on program and the veterans last date of qualifying service. Qualifying service is defined by a period of federally authorized Active-Duty service, excluding mandatory training, that exceeds 90 days. Post 9/11 GI Bill: Veterans who separated on or before December 31st 2012 are eligible for Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits for 15 years following their last period of qualifying service
  • Post 9/11 GI Bill Veterans who separated after January 1st 2013 have no expiration date for their Post 9/11 GI Bill benefit.

To receive Veteran’s Benefits:

  • Apply using Form 22-1990, which you may download at
  • Furnish a copy of your discharge papers, DD 214.
  • Once you have been approved as eligible, you will be notified.
  • Send a copy of your NATE test results to the VA office that handles your education benefits. Attach a note with the following information:
    1. Your request for reimbursement.
    2. Your name and Social Security Number (SSN).
    3. The name of the test you took and the date you took it.
    4. The name and address of the organization issuing the certificate.
    5. Cost you paid for test (NOTE: Registration fees, preparation guides, processing fees etc., will not be reimbursed.)
    6. The following statement: “I authorize release of my test information to VA.”

Please Note:

  • If you are a veteran, you need VA Form 22-1990, available online at
  • If you are an eligible child or spouse, you need VA Form 22-5490. You can call 1-888-442-4551 to request the form. (For the hearing impaired, call 1-800-829-4833.) Send all the information to the regional office that processes your claim. The address is on the form.
  • If you have never filed a claim for Veteran’s Benefits, you will need to submit an application for benefits (22-1990).

You may obtain more information about Veteran’s Benefits by calling 1-888-GIBILL1 or visiting

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