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NATE Logo Request Form

NATE has a variety of logos, trade and service marks, and logo sayings. The NATE company logo is meant to be used solely by NATE. Variants of the NATE logo - our parter logos - have a targeted audience with sayings which are available both in four-color and black and white versions.

  1. NATE Logos can be sent to contractors which request them (if the contractor employs at least one NATE certified technician), businesses that engage in activities in support of NATE certification (Manufacturers, Utilities, or Testing Organizations), or NATE re-certification (Testing/Training Organizations). Contractors are required to keep at least one NATE certified technician employed for continued use of the logo. If a contractor no longer has any NATE certified technicians (certification expiration or technician leaving employment) then the contractor must immediately stop using the NATE logo.
  2. Logos can be sent to anyone from a contractor employing NATE certified technicians or acting on behalf of that contractor (provided the contractor has identified them as being an agent of that business) who requests the logo for company use, provided that company has NATE certified technicians.
  3. Logos with Training or Testing language attached can be sent to any approved Testing or Training provider. Manufacturers, Utilities, and other businesses that support NATE can also request support logos. Contractors can also request the logo with “Proud To Employ Certified Technicians” provided that they do and continue to employ a NATE certified Technician.
  4. It is required that a NATE Logo Request Form is filled out and sent in for approval before any logos are sent to any business.
  5. NATE partner logos will be used instead of the NATE corporate logo for usage in any print or online material that may be reproduced, or sold.
  6. NATE requires the appropriate four-color 3D NATE logo to be used for web and print. Any business that is currently using old logos shall submit a new request form for getting the updated logos.

    Contractors / Technicians must supply one valid NATE ID